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This is trail is used for the York 38 Special. It features beatiful views, rolling terrain on gravel roads, and should appeal to those who feel the need to punish themselves for one thing or another.

The route rolls up and down, climbing around 2700'. Because of the terrain, however, elevation gain is likely above 5000'. The bottom line is that this ride is mostly gravel road, but it is a physical brute, especially on York's many fine windy and hot summer days.

The highlight of the ride is upper-intermediate techical singletrack that one encounters around mile 30. With fresh legs, the myriad creek crossing and decomposed granite gardens would be great. Most will not have fresh legs.

All in all, this is a great test of your lungs and legs. I bet it one of the two will attempt to fail you. Bring a ton of calories and lots of water.


Take York Road to the the York Bar. Fight and conquer the powerful draw of the York Bar's damn-near-perfect burgers and cheap Ranier. Turn Left instead. Unload your gear after parking near the city park or fight house. Right up the hill towards Nelson. Turn right at Nelson (the Cribbage Capitol of the World), roll up hill, and grind up the switchbacks to Indian Flats. Turn left (downhill) at approximately 24 miles at the Hogback Mountain junction. fly downhill until you reach a fence. Go through the fence, bushwack your way through two miles of rough singletrack, cruise for a mile on the interpretive trail, and meet the York Road. Use up any remaining leg stregnth on the remaining seven miles.<br /><br />Then obey your urges to have a burger and a (few) beers.